These are some beautiful animals that we saw while traveling through the Cades Cove part of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. We saw lots of animals and I was very impressed with the trip.
This was a Doe that we saw just inside the loop in the woods. She was with 3 others. I wish the background hadn't been so crowded but hey you take what you can get with mother nature :D

These are some Turkeys that we saw in the fields beside of the horse pastures. I wish they had been closer. But again oh well lol.
The husband and I are pretty sure this is a coyote. Pretty none the less. We actually saw a couple of these but the other one was running through the woods. If you know for sure what this is I would love to know :)
He decided to sit right beside of the tree to the right as we were heading up to the restrooms but some car come flying up so they could get a picture of him. Needless to say he was up and moving again before I could fire the shot. This was right at dusk.
This buck was right along the side of the road and had no care in the world. I believe he even posed for us. And when I say us I have to give credit to "the husband" as he actually pressed the shutter and snapped this beautiful image. I set the focal point and all settings to get the right exposure etc.. I think we work pretty well as a team lol.
We also saw a black bear cub, unfortunately I didn't get a shot of it as the was literally a "crazy" lady in front of us who jumped out of her car as soon as the bear ran in front of them and chased the poor thing across the field and into the woods. I really think she was crazy as apparently she doesn't know that "mama" was more than likely watching her every move, either that or the cub is going to be in big trouble when mama bear wakes up from her hibernation and realizes the baby is gone. Yes I was crazy in Alaska when I sat on the window seal of the van and photographed a bear cub there but I wasn't crazy enough to get out and chase him. But then the one in Alaska never moved haha, he just laid there and ate his dandilions.
I was totally bummed that we didn't get a shot off though as I am sure most of you know that bears this time of year is a huge rarity. They aren't supposed to be out. lol
I have some images of icicles, waterfalls, the mill etc.... coming up soon. Hoping the weather and infection cooperate and I get a few images of the Winterfest lights before we leave.We have been trying to find things that were here 15 years ago while we were on our honeymoon but that is pretty hard. Most things have been torn down or things built up in front of the old ones. The China unlimited shop is still here that is one of very few things we remember besides the lights.
Any way ears are hurting will try to write more tomorrow evening or maybe even Thursday while waiting on the husband to take his Chiefs exam in Knoxville.
wow!! some fantastic wildlife imagery! am sooo impressed!! the only wildlife I see in SF are drunk teens on weekends, and in Rota drunk teens!! thanks for sharing!!!
Let me know if you want to sell some of your images. Would love to have a copy or 2 :)
Yes Michelle, I would be more than happy to, just let me know which ones and what sizes and I can get you some quotes. I need to update my website so that I can have them on there for people to order from. But definitely let me know.
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