Sunday, January 01, 2012

Buon Anno Neapolitan Style!

As you can tell we had a pretty good view of the Naples Firework display to ring in the New Year. This was a first for us. We have never seen fireworks like this before. I swear I think they set off as many fireworks as the entire US would set off for New Years lol. We had a 360 degree view of them! They lasted until well after 130am. Snoopy just had to come to the roof top with us as she didn't want to be left out. So after putting her back in the house a couple of times we let her stay. She was fine with the initial  erruption of the right at midnight. But once a couple of our neighbors set them off right in the street beside of our house, she was gone lol. Those went right over our heads. We had a great time roasting those weenies and marshmellows, and drinking hot chocolate.
Happ New Year to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the photographs.

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